what things can perimenopausal and menopausal women do to continue having pain-free intercourse?

Video Transcript

I am Dr. Karyn Eilber. I'm urologist who specializes in urogynecology, and I'm a proud member of the plus one Wellness Collective.

We are here to answer questions that have been submitted by the plus one community, and because I'm also a certified menopause specialist, I'm answering the question, what things can perimenopausal and menopausal women do to continue having pain-free intercourse?

I first wanna clarify by saying, unfortunately, not every woman can continue having pain-free intercourse because there are a fair number of women who have never had intercourse that pain. Those women can also benefit from things that can help perimenopausal and menopausal women, such as using daily vaginal moisturizers or lubricants, of which plus one now offers a wide variety.

For women who are having tightness in the vaginal area, or who are not sexually active on a regular basis, may benefit from stretching the vaginal tissues using things like plusOne's vaginal dilators that have the added bonus of being a vibrator as well. Just like any other part of your body that can lose its function by not being used on a regular basis, the vaginal tissues can also lose their function.

So, think about using a vaginal dilator like doing yoga, but for your vaginal area. Tune in next week to hear the answer to the next question that was submitted to Ask the Experts.