frequently asked questions

plusOne shipping

Where do you ship?
Do you ship internationally?
Do you offer overnight shipping?
I never received my package—what should I do?

plusOne orders

How can I track my order?
When will my order arrive?
What is your return/exchange policy?
How will this appear on my credit card statement?
Do you offer discreet shipping?
What forms of payment do you accept?

plusOne product specific

How can I get a replacement?
Why is my product not turning on?
How do I use the 10 different vibration settings on my plusOne® product?
Are plusOne® products waterproof?
Is it safe to use a silicone-based lubricant with my plusOne® product?
How do I charge my plusOne® product?
How do I clean my plusOne® product?
How do I store my plusOne® product?
My plusOne® product is getting warm, should I be worried?
Are plusOne® products latex-free?
Do plusOne® products come with warranty?