Why should I use lube?
My name is Dr. Karyn Eilber, and I'm a urologist who specializes in urogynecology. I treat women's pelvic floor disorders including incontinence, prolapse, and sexual dysfunction.
I'm here to answer questions submitted by the plusOne community, and one of the questions was, why should I use lube?
And the obvious answer is, if you have dryness, you need lube or sex will hurt.
Many women can experience vaginal dryness at different times in their life - in the postpartum state, a woman's hormone levels are low, and this may cause her to not be able to lubricate naturally.
In addition, she might even have pain down there, and she might not be lubricating just because she's not turned on, because the thought of having sex is just too painful.
Things like perimenopause and menopause also, as with low hormone levels, can cause vaginal dryness.
In addition, there are many medications that can cause vaginal dryness, including some birth control.
And while many women use vaginal lubricants because they have dryness, a lot of women simply use them because they feel good.
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